Thursday, March 29, 2012

And another trip with Aaron Batey

Scouting, scouting, scouting for the day. Grab a coffee, hope for pizza, put on a jacket, drive around different, strange areas, attempt to clean the bird shit off your car and vola! A pretty fun day.
Here is my buddy Aaron and I, searching for somewhat lush gardens to shoot in for my next submission for my portfolio.
Got plenty of protein from the bugs that day. Yep!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

50 Delightful Strangers

Since I've been super busy with shooting and editing, I can't upload anything new at the moment. So, instead, I figured I would show you guys one of my favourite projects.

This was such a crazy day for me, since I'm a sort of, a tad bit, maybe shy person at heart, so going up to as many people as I could, asking for their picture taken while wearing silly 3-D Coraline glasses was really a huge task for me. With the results though? So happy how well the whole event turned out. What was the best, was how considerably nice and splendid these people were. One group even went out and sent a message to others to come to the overpass where I was shooting and pose for me. Security eventually came, but after explaining what I was doing, there were no complaints from them, except to take the rest of the shots handheld instead of using the tripod.

It went incredibly well, and because of this, I was so inspired to do the mini series I'm currently exploring with people and light. Still adding more people to that list. :D

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cocktail Shoot

And the sissy drinks are complete!
A fun little shoot, with helpful tips from my friend, Karen Joseph for styling.

Photography: Jillian Davey
Styling: Jillian Davey

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Before "Cocktail" Photoshoot

This is just prep work before the actual cocktail shoot in studio.
Geez, this involved many many different props but thankfully found the most suitable ones for the shot.
Staying up stupid late to make sure everything is perfect .... actually makes the next day worth it. The final shot turned out great because of the prep work.
CONSIDER THIS, a turn of events and habits.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where we came from...

Finally! After months of wanting to explore this theme, I finally found time to capture it all.
This is simple concept of our origins from the very universe itself. I wanted to portray beauty in its' rawest form and for me, this was the purest way.
I've wanted to dedicate this picture to someone who is really important to me, but sadly he isn't here anymore.
This is a real achievement for me, and I'm so thankful I had Uno and Garet to help me out with this.

Make- Up Artist: Uno Jo
Model: Garet Eastman, Jillian Davey

Hope you enjoy. :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Garet the Eastman

So here's a little shoot I did for a friend of mine and his theatrical portfolio.
It was actually super fun working with him and great to catch up on things since I last saw him.

To be honest, this was really rushed because of the time restricts we had in studio.
We had two separate shoots within 3 hours. This was the first, and the second will be posted tomorrow.

A big thanks to Garet Eastman and Uno Jo for this!


Photography- Jillian Davey
Make-Up Artist- Uno Jo
Model- Garet Eastman

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Light And People Series

Hello again!

So, I've recently been exploring a little series including many many different people in their surrounding environment. I initiated this back in September of 2011 and wanted to keep it a secret until it was complete,... but it doesn't look like it will see sunshine till ... well summer starts.
I'm hoping to wrap the series up, sometime in September.
As you can see, that's so far away, so instead I figured to reveal a sneak peek.

And the person?
She's Brooke Shaden, a great fine art photographer residing in Los Angeles.
This was taken while I was her assistant for a week.
She was incredibly sweet and helpful. I thank her so much for this opportunity.

You can find her work here at: